What Did We Do Today??: (Bio Or Not Bio: That Is The Question)
- Went over Biology 30 Diploma Exam Exemplars
- HOTFF Chart
- Questions on Page 529 4,5,7,8
- Case Study on Page 527 on Hormone Levels During Menstrual Cycle
- Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Birth (Beginning on Page 530)
- Did worksheet on Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Birth
From The Students Perspective (Thoughts and Opinions)
- I thought it was pretty crazy that a women can go through so many stages, and then a baby results from it, like the fact that all the mitotic division and all that result in an embryo and then a fetus is absolutely baffling how bones, and eyes and ears and our brains develop from such a tiny union of sperm and egg. It's truly amazing the things a human body can do and producing a baby makes the human body even more of a spectacular thing to look at it. So, in turn, by all this stuff being so awesome and actually relevant it makes Biology 30 an interesting class.
- We were talking about twins being when an egg is split into two or when two eggs are implanted into the uterine wall. I wonder which is more common: fraternal or maternal?
Somewhere, Out There, Beneath The Pale Moon Light(Above And Beyond)
- According to http://organizedwisdom.com/Fraternal_Twins_vs._Identical_Twins fraternal twins are more common than identical twins and account for about 2/3 of twins pregnancies. Also twins are slightly more likely to be female than male.
- The following picture is an image of identical(left) and fraternal(right)
Just a correction, the picture of identical twins is actually on the right and the fraternal twins are on the left (speaking as a twin here!).
ReplyDeleteDang, I wished I hadn't missed the day you guys talked about twins!
actually - though not speaking as a twin - both images show maternal twin formation, simply due to a split from the growing ball of cells at different stages (morulla vs blastocyst).
ReplyDeleteFor fraternal twins, there must actually be TWO distinct zygotes (since they have completely different DNA).
Well done blog, though.
Mr. C